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Ref no: 6784


Ref no: 6784

Machine Features

  • Category: Web Offset
  • Manufacturer: GOSS
  • Model: UNIVERSAL 45
  • Web Width: 914mm
  • Cut Off: 578mm
  • Speed: 45000 Copies/Hour

2 - Stacked Goss Autopasters
No.: DB/235
Year: 01/2006
Equipped with centre hoist with 700kg lifting capacity

1 - Universal 45 Four High Tower
Baldwin/Jimek spray dampening
Goss remote controlled ink boxes
Own drive motor

1 - Universal 45 Four High Tower
Baldwin/Jimek spray dampening
Goss remote controlled ink boxes
Own drive motor

1 - Goss Autopaster

1 - Goss Folder
Equipped with ¼ fold
Cut-off register controls for 6 webs

1- Universal 45 Four High Tower
Baldwin/Jimek spray dampening
Goss remote controlled ink boxes
Own drive motor

1- Goss Autopaster

2 - Goss remote control colour desks

1 - Main control desk with remote register controls

1- Baldwin Refrigerated water mixing system with chillers and pumps

Plate Bender, Operator and Parts Manuals, Electrical Diagrams

Total production: 820.000.000 copies (over the last 12 years this amounts to a daily production of approx. 187.000 copies per day with a 7 day working week)
